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The 8th Land Administration Domain Model Workshop

Welcome to the homepage of the LADM 2019 workshop, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1-3 October 2019
A joint event with UDMS's 4th International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities (SDSC2019) and Geomatics Geospatial Technology (GGT2019) as part of Geospatial Kuala Lumpur 2019 , Hotel Istana.

Technical Programme and Proceedings
ISBN 978-87-92853-92-9
ISSN 2311-8423

00 doi Title page and other front matter of the Proceedings

Final programme 1 October 2019:

9:00-17:00 Tutorial Advanced 3D Modelling and Big Geo Data

Final programme 2 October 2019:

9:00-10:00 Technical Session I: Foundations/Fundamentals (chair: Chris Body)
  • A1 doi : Christiaan Lemmen, Peter van Oosterom, Abdullah Kara, Eftychia Kalogianni, Anna Shnaidman, Agung Indrajit, Abdullah Alattas: The scope of LADM revision is shaping-up PresA1
  • A2 doi : Erik Stubkjær, Hans-Christoph Gruler, Scott Simmons and Volkan Çağdaş: Code list management supported through a controlled domain vocabulary PresA2
  • A3 doi : Rod Thompson and Peter van Oosterom: A Suggested Terminology for Point-Like Entities in a Bi-Temporal Representation of 2D and 3D Land Administration Data PresA3
  • A4 doi : Anna Shnaidman, Peter van Oosterom and Christiaan Lemmen: LADM Refined Survey Model

10:30-13:15 Opening session: plenary with GGT, SDSC, LADM: opening and keynotes 1-3

14:15-15:10 Plenary session with GGT, SDSC, LADM: keynote 4 and invited talk 1

15:10-16:00 Technical Session II: 3D/BIM (chair: Sisi Zlatanova)
  • B1 doi : Jingya Yan, Kean Huat Soon, Siow Wei Jaw and Gerhard Schrotter: An LADM-based 3D Underground Utility Data Model: A Case Study of Singapore PresB1
  • B2 doi : Shen Ying, Yifan Xu, Chengpeng Li, Renzhong Guo and Lin Li: Easement spatialization with two cases based on BIM PresB2
  • B3 doi : Abbas Rajabifard, Behnam Atazadeh, Kit Meng Yip, Mohsen Kalantari, Mohsen Rahimipour, Hamed Olfat, Farshad Badiee, Davood Shojaei, Chan Keat Lim and Mohd Azua Mohd Zain: Design and implementation of a 3D National Digital Cadastral Database based on Land Administration Domain Model; Lessons Learned from a 3D Cadaster Project in Malaysia PresB3

16:30-17:15 Technical Session IIIa: Country Profiles/Implementations I (chair: Jacynthe Pouliot)
  • D1 doi : Javier Morales, Christiaan Lemmen, Rolf de By, Mathilde Molendijk, Ernst-Peter Oosterbroek and Alvaro Enrique Ortiz Davila: On the Design of a Modern and Generic Approach to Land Registration: The Colombia Experience PresD1
  • D2 doi : Daniel Casalprim and Golgi Alvarez: The Role of the LADM in the transactional flow of Land Administration – Case: Colombia PresD2
  • D3 doi : Agung Indrajit, Virgo Eresta Jaya, Bastiaan van Loenen, Anna Shnaidman, Hendrik Ploeger and Peter van Oosterom: Implementation of the Spatial Planning Package for Construction of an LADM Country Profile: Reducing Asymmetric Acces to Information of RRRs in Indonesia PresD3

17:30-18:30 Technical Session IIIb: Modelling/Implementation (chair: Kees de Zeeuw)
  • C1 doi : Jacynthe Pouliot, Claire Monney, Jens Ingensand and Suzie Larrivée: How to quickly detect the overlap and the consistency between LADM with LandInfra and LandXML : Application of schema matching techniques PresC1
  • C2 doi : Christiaan Lemmen, Eva-Maria Unger, Monica Lengoiboni, Marisa Balas, Kholoud Saad, Rohan Bennett, Peter van Oosterom, Jaap Zevenbergen and Martinus Vranken: Exploring and Assessing STDM and LADM for gender equitable land administration PresC2
  • C3 doi : Eva-Maria Unger, Rohan Bennett, Christiaan Lemmen, Jaap Zevenbergen, Paula Dijkstra and Kees de Zeeuw: LADM based models for sustainable development LD-DRM for disaster prone areas and communities (an example for SDG 1 and SDG 13) PresC3
  • C4 doi : Peter Oukes, Christiaan Lemmen and Erwin Folmer: An Approach to Interoperability Between LADM Profiled Implementations PresC4

Final programme 3 October 2019:

9:00-10:00 Technical Session IV: Country Profiles/Implementations II (chair: Shen Ying)
  • E1 doi : Eftychia Kalogianni, Mohsen Kalantari, Efi Dimopoulou and Peter van Oosterom: LADM country profiles development: aspects to be reflected and considered PresE1
  • E2 doi : Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Chengxi Bernad Siew: Database Design and Development of 3D Cadastral Registration based on LADM PresE2
  • E3 doi : Abdullah Alattas, Peter van Oosterom and Sisi Zlatanova: Initial Country Profile of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia based on LADM PresE3
  • E4 doi : Anna Shnaidman, Peter van Oosterom, Shimom Barazani, Anat Marcovich and Shuli Avni Shoham: LADM-based Israeli Country Profile: Toward Implementation of 3D Cadastre Registration PresE4

10:30-12:30 Plenary session with GGT, SDSC, LADM: keynotes 5-7 and invited talk 2

14:00-15:30 Technical Session V: Industry/Modelling (chair: Rod Thompson)
  • F1 doi : Katherine Smyth: The Role of LADM in Configurable Geographic Information Systems PresF1
  • F2 doi : Aurélie Milledrogues, Igor Popiv, Maksym Kalyta and Carol Roffer: Uganda and Tanzania Land Administration Modernization Based on IT-Leap Concept PresF2
  • F3 doi : Trias Aditya, I Ketut Gede Ary Sucaya, Fajar Adi Nugroho, Han Han Lukman Syahid and Dany Laksono: Developing an LADM-compliant Mobile Data Collector for Accelerating Participatory Cadastral Mapping and Registration Activities PresF3
  • F4 doi : Padmakumara Milinda Piyasena Nawasiya Mudiyanselage: Agent-Based Simulation modeling Approach for Tenure Security Dynamics PresF4
  • LADM2019 Warp-up and next steps within FIG, ISO TC211 and OGC

16:00-17:30 Closing session: plenary with GGT, SDSC, LADM: panel discussion, awards and closing

Background LADM2019

The focus of LADM2019 workshop will be on preparing input for second Edition (first Edition published as ISO 19152:2012). After the initial brainstorming on the second Edition of LADM at the 6th workshop ( WorkshopAgenda2017 ) and further scoping at the 7th workshop ( LADM2018Workshop ) the result was submitted by FIG to ISO TC211 as a New Work Item proposal (NWIP) for the second Edition. It is now time to provide proposals for the new LADM parts. Based on current experiences and future expectations, the need and content of possible extensions will be addressed; eg. further modelling of LADM’s rights, restrictions and responsibilities; a fiscal/valuation extension module, Marine Cadastre, more explicit relations with Building Information Modelling, further modelling of LADM's survey and spatial representation and 3D/4D Cadastre. In addition, more and more attention will be paid to the Operational Standards in Land Administration. This includes addressing the technical models for LADM: INTERLIS, RDF, CityGML , IndoorGML , LandInfra , InfraGML , LandXML , and GeoBIM . Finally, also the aspects beyond Information models will be discussed: Organization, Best practices, Legal/financial aspects, OpenCadastre approach, Crowd sourcing, Workflow modelling, Blockchain and ledger technologies.

Geospatial_KL_2019_-_Flyer.pdf : Flyer Geospatial KL 2019

Submission procedure

All submissions (extended abstracts of 500-1000 words) will be peer reviewed and all accepted contributions are expected to submit a full paper, which will be included in both the on-line and printed proceedings (available at the workshop), published by the FIG with ISBN/ISSN reference. All papers must be submitted via the EasyChair online system.
LADM2019_template.doc template for full paper (not yet needed for for abstract, which is web form based).
LADM2019_instructions.pdf : Instructions for formatting full paper LADM 2018.

Important dates

Extended abstract submission 25 May 2019
Acceptance notification 15 June 2019
Camera-ready full paper 22 August 2019 (at least one author must be registered)
Workshop 1-3 October 2019

Registration and accommodation

See website of Geospatial Kuala Lumpur 2019.

Previous workshops

  1. March 2003, Enschede, the Netherlands
  2. December 2004, Bamberg, Germany ( )
  3. November 2009, Quebec City, Canada ( )
  4. July 2012, Rotterdam, the Netherlands ( WorkshopLADMPresentations )
  5. September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ( FinalProgramme papers and presentations)
  6. March 2017, Delft, the Netherlands ( WorkshopAgenda2017 presentations)
  7. April 2018, Zagreb, Croatia ( LADM2018Workshop papers and presentations)

Organized in collaboration with

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Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Geospatial_KL_2019_-_Flyer.pdf pdf Geospatial_KL_2019_-_Flyer.pdf manage 1863.9 K 06 Aug 2019 - 11:37 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_0Preliminary_Pages.pdf pdf LADM2019_0Preliminary_Pages.pdf manage 303.6 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:42 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_Paper_A1_F.pdf pdf LADM2019_Paper_A1_F.pdf manage 1927.7 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:42 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_Paper_C2_F.pdf pdf LADM2019_Paper_C2_F.pdf manage 611.6 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:45 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_Paper_D3_F.pdf pdf LADM2019_Paper_D3_F.pdf manage 3770.8 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:47 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_instructions.pdf pdf LADM2019_instructions.pdf manage 119.2 K 28 Nov 2018 - 22:07 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_paper_A2_F.pdf pdf LADM2019_paper_A2_F.pdf manage 373.8 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:42 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_paper_A3_F.pdf pdf LADM2019_paper_A3_F.pdf manage 454.0 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:43 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_paper_A4_F.pdf pdf LADM2019_paper_A4_F.pdf manage 798.8 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:43 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_paper_B1_F.pdf pdf LADM2019_paper_B1_F.pdf manage 5610.2 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:43 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_paper_B2_F.pdf pdf LADM2019_paper_B2_F.pdf manage 903.6 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:44 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_paper_B3_F.pdf pdf LADM2019_paper_B3_F.pdf manage 1336.1 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:44 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_paper_C1_F.pdf pdf LADM2019_paper_C1_F.pdf manage 622.8 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:45 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_paper_C3_F.pdf pdf LADM2019_paper_C3_F.pdf manage 1431.0 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:45 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_paper_C4_F.pdf pdf LADM2019_paper_C4_F.pdf manage 713.5 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:46 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_paper_D1_F.pdf pdf LADM2019_paper_D1_F.pdf manage 2108.5 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:46 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_paper_D2_F.pdf pdf LADM2019_paper_D2_F.pdf manage 2307.2 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:47 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_paper_E1_F.pdf pdf LADM2019_paper_E1_F.pdf manage 336.3 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:47 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_paper_E2_F.pdf pdf LADM2019_paper_E2_F.pdf manage 1293.2 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:48 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_paper_E3_F.pdf pdf LADM2019_paper_E3_F.pdf manage 925.7 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:48 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_paper_E4_F.pdf pdf LADM2019_paper_E4_F.pdf manage 1075.5 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:49 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_paper_F1_F.pdf pdf LADM2019_paper_F1_F.pdf manage 1053.7 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:49 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_paper_F2_F.pdf pdf LADM2019_paper_F2_F.pdf manage 195.7 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:49 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_paper_F3_F.pdf pdf LADM2019_paper_F3_F.pdf manage 105.3 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:49 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_paper_F4_F.pdf pdf LADM2019_paper_F4_F.pdf manage 987.7 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:50 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_poster.GIF GIF LADM2019_poster.GIF manage 1197.1 K 06 Aug 2019 - 11:42 PeterVanOosterom  
LADM2019_template.doc doc LADM2019_template.doc manage 27.5 K 28 Nov 2018 - 22:08 PeterVanOosterom  
PresA1.pdf pdf PresA1.pdf manage 4302.9 K 09 Oct 2019 - 09:37 PeterVanOosterom  
PresA2.pdf pdf PresA2.pdf manage 8324.2 K 09 Oct 2019 - 09:37 PeterVanOosterom  
PresA3.pdf pdf PresA3.pdf manage 2361.5 K 09 Oct 2019 - 09:37 PeterVanOosterom  
PresB1.pdf pdf PresB1.pdf manage 6682.7 K 09 Oct 2019 - 09:38 PeterVanOosterom  
PresB2.pdf pdf PresB2.pdf manage 1326.2 K 09 Oct 2019 - 09:38 PeterVanOosterom  
PresB3.pdf pdf PresB3.pdf manage 2148.6 K 09 Oct 2019 - 09:38 PeterVanOosterom  
PresC1.pdf pdf PresC1.pdf manage 2486.0 K 09 Oct 2019 - 09:39 PeterVanOosterom  
PresC2.pdf pdf PresC2.pdf manage 1528.8 K 09 Oct 2019 - 09:39 PeterVanOosterom  
PresC3.pdf pdf PresC3.pdf manage 3882.0 K 09 Oct 2019 - 09:39 PeterVanOosterom  
PresC4.pdf pdf PresC4.pdf manage 1745.9 K 09 Oct 2019 - 09:40 PeterVanOosterom  
PresD1.pdf pdf PresD1.pdf manage 8225.6 K 09 Oct 2019 - 09:40 PeterVanOosterom  
PresD2.pdf pdf PresD2.pdf manage 3405.5 K 09 Oct 2019 - 09:40 PeterVanOosterom  
PresD3.pdf pdf PresD3.pdf manage 4422.4 K 09 Oct 2019 - 09:41 PeterVanOosterom  
PresE1.pdf pdf PresE1.pdf manage 2129.5 K 09 Oct 2019 - 09:52 PeterVanOosterom  
PresE2.pdf pdf PresE2.pdf manage 1084.4 K 09 Oct 2019 - 09:52 PeterVanOosterom  
PresE3.pdf pdf PresE3.pdf manage 2143.1 K 09 Oct 2019 - 09:53 PeterVanOosterom  
PresE4.pdf pdf PresE4.pdf manage 2047.8 K 09 Oct 2019 - 09:53 PeterVanOosterom  
PresF1.pdf pdf PresF1.pdf manage 3741.1 K 09 Oct 2019 - 09:53 PeterVanOosterom  
PresF2.pdf pdf PresF2.pdf manage 1644.2 K 09 Oct 2019 - 09:54 PeterVanOosterom  
PresF3.pdf pdf PresF3.pdf manage 5645.9 K 09 Oct 2019 - 09:54 PeterVanOosterom  
PresF4.pdf pdf PresF4.pdf manage 1755.9 K 09 Oct 2019 - 09:55 PeterVanOosterom  
Topic revision: r18 - 28 Mar 2020 - 09:26:24 - PeterVanOosterom

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