You are here: TU Delft Wiki > Research/ISO19152 Web > LADM2013Workshop > CallForContributions (11 Oct 2013, PeterVanOosterom )

Call for Contributions

You are cordially invited to contribute and participate in the international FIG workshop on LADM. The Land Administration Domain Model, LADM passed on the 1st of November 2012 unanimously the final vote towards becoming an international standard, ISO 19152 and was formally published by ISO on 1ste of December 2012. The workshop will be organized as joint activity of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Jupem, Association of Authorised Land Surveyors of Malaysia, Kadaster, ITC (University of Twente) and TU Delft.

LADM is an international ISO standard for the land administration domain. It will stimulate the development of software applications and will accelerate the implementation of proper land administration systems that will support sustainable development. The LADM covers basic information-related components of land administration (including those over water and land, and elements above and below the surface of the earth); The standard provides an abstract, conceptual model with three packages related to:
  • parties (people and organizations);
  • basic administrative units, rights (e.g. ownership), responsibilities, and restrictions;
  • spatial units (parcels, and the legal space of buildings and utility networks) including a subpackage for spatial sources (surveying) and spatial representations (geometry and topology).

LADM defines terminology for land administration, based on various national and international systems that is as simple as possible in order to be useful in practice. The terminology allows a shared description of different formal or informal practices and procedures in various jurisdictions; The standard further provides a basis for national and regional profiles; and enables the combining of land administration information from different sources in a coherent manner.
Topic revision: r4 - 11 Oct 2013 - 06:18:31 - PeterVanOosterom

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