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3D Cadastre 2014 Preliminary programme

4th International FIG 3D Cadastre Workshop, 9-11 November 2014 Dubai, United Arab Emirates. In cooperation with the 3D GeoInfo Conference, 11-13 November 2014: American University in Dubai (AUD) GIS 2014 website

Day 1 (Sunday 9 Nov 2014)
8:00-9:00 Registration


Session 1: 3D life cycle, building modelling

Keynote I: 3D Cadastres and Beyond
Abbas Rajabifard

3D Cadastre, 3D property formation and BIM inSweden

Mohamed El-Mekawy, Jesper M. Paasch and Jenny Paulsson

Semantically rich 3D building and cadastral models for valuation

Umit Isikdag, Mike Horhammer, Sisi Zlatanova, Ruud Kathmann and Peter van Oosterom

10:45-11:15 Coffee break

Session 2: Organizational aspects

Initial analysis of the second FIG 3D-Cadastres questionnaire: Status in 2014 and expectations for 2018
Peter van Oosterom, Jantien Stoter, Hendrik Ploeger, Christiaan Lemmen, Rod Thompson, and Sudarshan Karki

A roadmap to accomplish 3D-Cadastres

Mohsen Kalantari and Abbas Rajabifard

Governance in 3D, LADM Compliant Marine Cadastres

Charisse Griffith-Charles and Michael Sutherland

12:45-14:00 Lunch break

Parallel Working Sessions I

1. Legal framework 3D Cadastres

Chair: Jesper Paasch

2. Initial registration of 3D parcels

Chair: Sudarshan Karki

3. 3D data management

Chair: Helena Åström Boss

4. Visualization, distribution and delivery of 3D parcels

Chair: Jacynthe Pouliot

15:30-16:00 Coffee break

Session 3: 3D data sources I

Terrestrial LiDAR Capabilities for 3D Data Acquisition (indoor and outdoor) in the Context of Cadastral Modelling: A Comparative Analysis for Apartment Units

Jacynthe Pouliot and Marc Vasseur

The Conversion from CityGML to 3D Property Units

Shen Ying, Fengzan Jin, Renzhong Guo, Lin Li, Jie Yang and Yujie Zhou

The Vectorial Segmentation of Buildings in Vila Cafezal informal settlement aimed at 3D Cadastre creation

Plinio Temba

Day 2 (Monday 10 Nov 2014)
8:00-9:00 Registration

Session 4: 3D technical aspects

Keynote II: Sensors and Platforms for 3D Cadastres and 3D City Modeling: State of the Art and New Trends

Mohamed Mostafa

Development of XML schemas for Implementation of a 3D Cadastral Data Model

Ali Aien, Abbas Rajabifard, Mohsen Kalantari, Ian Williamson and Davood Shojaei

Height reference for parcels and land object for the 3D cadastres structuring

Diego Erba, Gustavo Noguera, Aldo Mangiarerra, Geovanna Chavez Cangás

10:45-11:15 Coffee break

Session 5: Visualization

Transparency Performance in the 3D Visualization of Bounding Legal and Physical Objects: Preliminary results of a survey

Jacynthe Pouliot, Chen Wang, Frédéric Hubert

Visibility Analysis in a 3D Cadastre

Gerhard Navratil, Paolo Fogliaroni

Exploring CityEngine as a Visualisation Tool for 3D Cadastre

Alexandra Ribeiro, José-Paulo de Almeida and Claire Ellul

12:45-14:00 Lunch break

Parallel Working Sessions II

1. Legal framework 3D Cadastres

Chair: Jesper Paasch

2. Initial registration of 3D parcels

Chair: Sudarshan Karki

3. 3D data management

Chair: Helena Åström Boss

4. Visualization, distribution and delivery of 3D parcels

Chair: Jacynthe Pouliot

15:30-16:00 Coffee break

Session 6: 3D data sources II

The role of volunteered geographic information towards 3D property cadastral systems

José-Paulo de Almeida, Muki Haklay, Claire Ellul and Maria-Manuel Carvalho

Contribution of Existing Documentation in 3D Cadastre

Dimitrios Kitsakis and Efi Dimopoulou

Aspects of representing Lidar data used for Updating

Hussein Abdulmuttalib

20:00 Social event

Day 3 (Tuesday 11 Nov 2014)
8:15-9:15 Registration

Session 7: Country approaches

Towards 3D and 4D Cadastre inCroatia

Nikola Vučić, Miodrag Roić and Danko Markovinović

A concept of a model approach to the 3D cadastre inPoland– technical and legal aspects

Marcin Karabin

The Applications and Practices of 3D Cadastre in Shenzhen

Renzhong Guo, Feng Luo, Zhigang Zhao, Biao He, Lin Li, Ping Luo and Shen Ying

10:45-11:15 Coffee break

Session 8: CityGML

Integration of Land Administration Domain Model with CityGML for 3D Cadastre

Carsten Rönsdorf, Debbie Wilson and Jantien Stoter

Semantics-based Fusion for CityGML and 3D LandXML

Kean Huat Soon, Rod Thompson and Victor Khoo

The possibilities of using CityGML for 3D representation of buildings in the cadastre

Katarzyna Góźdź, Wojciech Pachelski, Peter van Oosterom, Volker Coors

12:45-14:00 Lunch break

Session 9: 3D LADM

Proposal for Taking the Current Cadastre to a 3D, LADM Based Cadastre inTrinidad and Tobago

Charisse Griffith-Charles and Earl Edwards

3D Strata Objects Registration within LADM Framework

Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter van Oosterom

Steps towards 3D Cadastre and ISO 19152 (LADM) in Israel

Yaron Felus, Shimon Barzani, Alisa Caine, Nimrod Blumkine, and Peter van Oosterom

15:30-16:00 Coffee break

Reporting and conclusions from Working Sessions

1. Legal framework 3D Cadastres

Chair: Jesper Paasch

2. Initial registration of 3D parcels

Chair: Sudarshan Karki

3. 3D data management

Chair: Helena Åström Boss

4. Visualization, distribution and delivery of 3D parcels

Chair: Jacynthe Pouliot


Submissions guidelines full paper (only for accepted submissions):
Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
3DCad2014_instructions.pdf pdf 3DCad2014_instructions.pdf manage 15.3 K 04 Sep 2014 - 21:54 PeterVanOosterom  
3DCad2014_template.doc doc 3DCad2014_template.doc manage 27.5 K 04 Sep 2014 - 16:39 PeterVanOosterom  
Topic revision: r9 - 16 Oct 2014 - 11:54:26 - PeterVanOosterom

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