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The 9th FIG Workshop on the Land Administration Domain Model / 3D Land Administration

Welcome to the homepage of the LADM / 3D LA 2021 workshop, on-line, 24 June 2021
The workshop also covers 3D Land Administration and is part of the FIG Working Week 2021

Workshop purpose

The workshops aims to involve relevant FIG Commissions in the development of LADM Edition II. The decision to publish LADM Edition II as multipart had as a consequence that a New Working Items Proposal (NWIP) and a Working Draft (WD) have to be formulated for each Part. It is hoped we can do this with the cooperation of relevant commissions, the standards network and external organisations. It means a real contribution, so work has to be done.

Topics be discussed

1. Development of contents and New Working Item Proposals (NWIP) and Working Drafts (WD) for:
  • Part 1 of LADM Edition 2: Fundamentals (This part is under development, the NWIP was submitted by Standards Australia)
  • Part 2 of LADM Edition 2: Land Registration (NWIP needs to be submitted by FIG, may be together with ELRA/CINDER)
  • Part 3 of LADM Edition 2: Marine Space (NWIP to be submitted by IHO, I hope together with FIG)
  • Part 4 of LADM Edition 2: Valuation Information (FIG will be involved in NWIP submission)
  • Part 5 of LADM Edition 2: Spatial Plan Information (FIG will be involved in NWIP submission)
  • Part 6 of LADM Edition 2: Implementation (FIG and OGC could submit this one)
2. 3D Surveys for 3D Land Administration. Better integration of 3D Land Administration in LADM and improved Survey functionality in LADM. We hope to invite providers of survey instruments to introduce 3d Surveying – eg with Point Clouds and how to integrate this into 3D Land Administration. 3. We like to invite: ESRI, Leica, Trimble, Bentley (all FIG Platinum members), Cadastra, IGN, COWI, etc. for presentations on 3D Surveys and adjustment to existing 3D data. 4. Presentation form experts in 3D from Australia/NZ, Asia, Africa, Europe and the America's. 4. Discussions on LADM links to / alignment with BIM/IFC, LandInfra , ILMS and IPMS.

Planned results

  • To gain knowledge
  • To achieve results with the group
  • To exchange knowledge
  • To contribute to tasks of FIG
  • To get informed with latest news and updates
  • To be inspired
  • To learn about new products
  • To connect with other participants
  • To meet new people

Programme (from )

08.00-09.30 CET

Session 1 - 3D LA and LADM, part I (video recording: )

Chair: Prof. Efi Dimopoulou, Greece
Rapporteur: MSc. Eftychia Kalogianni, Greece

This session will focus on 3D Land Administration and LADM. The session will start with short, dynamic presentations followed by a discussion. The presenters will
  • Highlight the purpose and societal impact of your 3D LA
  • Indicate which 3D LA Uses are supported
  • Present the expected impact on LADM development (if any)
  • Share idea’s and proposals on 3D LA Implementation and Maintenance – technical, institutional
  • Give their expectations on the impact for the profession
  • Share about blockers and things going well
The discussion will focus on 3D LA Development and implementations. 3D requirements / input for the LADM revision.

Clava Ginting (Indonesia):
3D Cadastre Implementation in Indonesia (10947)
[ abstract ] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Nor Ainn Alfatihah Zamzuri, Muhammad Imzan Hassan and Alias Abdul Rahman (Malaysia):
Developing 3D Marine Cadastre Data Model within Malaysian LADM Country Profile – Preliminary Result (10994)
[ abstract ] [ paper ] [handouts] [ video ]

Maria Gkeli, Chryssy Potsiou and Charalabos Ioannidis (Greece):
BIM data as Input to 3D Crowdsourced Cadastral Surveying - Potential and Perspectives (11069)
[ abstract ] [ paper ] [handouts] [ video ]

Mathew Warnest, Jon Davies, Isa Ali Abdulla and Naji Sabt (Bahrain):
Urban Development and Resilience in the Kingdom of Bahrain: A 3D-enabled National Geospatial Programme for a Sustainable Future (11179)
[ abstract ] [ paper ] [handouts] [video]

Anthony Beck, Dave Stowe and Michael Hill (United Kingdom):
Generic Concepts to Support LADM Implementation Within Formal Land Registrars (11228)
[ abstract ] [ paper ] [handouts] [ video ]

Volkan Çağdaş (Turkey), Laura Meggiolaro (Italy) and Erik Stubkjær (Denmark):
Semantic Resources for the Geospatial Domain (10998)
[ abstract ] [ paper ] [ handouts ] [video]

13.00-14.30 CET

Session 2 - LADM Implementations (video recording: )
Chair: Prof. Christiaan Lemmen, Netherlands
Rapporteur: MSc. Abdullah Alattas, Netherlands

This session will focus on LADM Implementations. The session will start with short, dynamic presentations. The presenters are invited to spent attention to participation in LADM implementation. This will be followed by a workshop discussion and short demonstration.

Katherine Smyth (USA):
Supporting Field to Formal Cadastre Workflows with Scalable LADM Implementation (11063)
[ abstract ] [ paper ] [handouts] [video]

Jan van Bennekom-Minnema (Netherlands):
GeoDjango and LADM II: from Conceptual Model to Implementation (11227)
[ abstract ] [ paper ] [handouts] [video]

Andres Guarin , Daniel Casalprim , Leonardo Cardona and Oscar Zarama (Colombia):
Data Quality Control in the Process Massive Land Survey According to the LADM-COL (10982)
[ abstract ] [ paper ] [handouts] [video]

Derick Boateng Okyere , Jaap Zevenbergen and Chrit Lemmen (Netherlands):
Requirements for a LADM Country Profile for Ghana (11087)
[ abstract ] [ paper ] [handouts] [video]

Eftychia Kalogianni , Efi Dimopoulou (Greece), Erik Stubkjaer (Denmark), Hans Christoph Gruler (Switzerland) and Christiaan Lemmen (N Peter Van Oosterom (Netherlands):
Developing the refined survey model for the LADM revision supporting interoperability with LandInfra (11182)
[ abstract ] [ paper ] [handouts] [video]

Alan Howie (United Kingdom):
Registers of Scotland's Journey Towards a Data Drive Land Register and its Alignment with LADM Standards (11232)
[ abstract ] [paper] [handouts] [video]

15.00-16.30 CET

Session 3 - 3D LA and LADM, part II (video recording: )
Chair: Prof. Peter van Oosterom, Netherlands
Rapporteur: MSc. Eftychia Kalogianni, Greece

This session will focus on 3D Land Administration and LADM. The session will start with short, dynamic presentations followed by a discussion. The presenters will
  • Highlight the purpose and societal impact of your 3D LA Indicate which 3D LA Uses are supported
  • Present the expected impact on LADM development (if any) Share idea’s and proposals on 3D LA
  • Maintenance – technical, institutional
  • Give their expectations on the impact for the profession
The discussion will focus on the FIG involvement in LADM development with focus on 3D LA Development and implementations.

Dionysia - Georgia Perperidou, Georgios Moschopoulos, Konstantinos Sigizis (Greece) and Dimitrios Ampatzidis (Germany):
Greece's Laws on Properties and the Third Dimension: a Comparative Analysis (11186)
[ abstract ] [ paper ] [handouts] [video]

Nelson Yam (Hong Kong SAR, China), Calvin Kam and Min Song (USA):
Development of the BIM Data Repository of Lands Department (11202)
[ abstract ] [ paper ] [handouts] [ video ]

Morten Dalum Madsen, Jesper Mayntz Paasch and Esben Munk Sørensen (Denmark):
Danish Urban and 3D Property Design (11145)
[ abstract ] [ paper ] [handouts] [video]

Yanitsa Yankova (Bulgaria):
3D Cadastral Model in Bulgaria (10896)
[ abstract ] [ paper ] [handouts] [video]

Abdullah Alattas, Marianne de Vries (Netherlands), Sisi Zlatanova (Australia) and Peter van Oosterom (Netherlands):
3D pgRouting and visualization in Cesium JS using the integrated model of LADM and IndoorGML (11114)
[ abstract ] [ paper ] [handouts] [video]

20.00-21.30 CET

Session 4 - LADM Standards Developments
Chair: Dr. David Martin, FIG Standards Network Chair, France
Rapporteur: MSc. Abdullah Alattas, Netherlands

The session will start with short, dynamic presentations followed by a discussion on the FIG involvement in LADM development.

Discussion reporting from workshop sessions 1, 2 and 3 by the session chairs.

The LADM Edition II will be developed by Technical Committee 211 (TC 211) on Geographic information/Geomatics, of the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). The first edition of LADM was published in 2012. FIG submitted a working item proposal in 2008 for the development of LADM.

FIG is expected to be involved in the development of parts:
  • 2: Land Registration
  • 3: Marine Space
  • 4: Valuation Information
  • 5: Spatial Plan Information
There is a LADM Development Team: Peter van Oosterom (Netherlands), Christiaan Lemmen (Netherlands), Abdullah Kara (Turkey), Efychia Kalogianni (Greece), Abdullah Alattas (Saudi Arabia), Agung Indrajit (Indonesia), Peter Oukes (Netherlands)
  • Chris Body is chair of the developments team. ISO TC 211 will give short overview on the developments
  • Representative of the International Hydrographic Organisation
  • Chrit Lemmen will give an overview of what a contribution means in practice
  • Mohd Razali Mahmud (Chair of Commission 4, Hydrography)
  • Daniel Paez (Chair of Commission 7, Cadastre and Land Management)
  • Marije Louwsma (Chair Commission 8, Spatial Planning and Development)
  • Ben Elder (Chair Commission 9, Valuation and the Management of Real Estate
James Kavanagh (United Kingdom), Pedro Ortiz (Spain) and Maurice Barbieri (Switzerland):
The Alignment of ILMS and LADM, Including a New Valuation Model (11231)
[ abstract ] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Agung Indrajit (Netherlands), Muhammad Hasannudin Yusa (Indonesia), Bastiaan Van Loenen , Peter Van Oosterom (Netherlands) and Deni Suwardhi (Indonesia):
Development and Usability Testing of the Participatory Urban Plan Monitoring Prototype for Indonesian Smart Cities Based on Digital Triplets (11023)
[ abstract ] [ paper ] [handouts] [video]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Christiaan Lemmen , Alattas Abdullah (Saudi Arabia), Agung Indrajit (Indonesia), Kalogianni Eftychia (Greece), Abdullah Kara (Turkey), Peter Van Oosterom and Peter Oukes (Netherlands):
The Foundation of Edition II of the Land Administration Domain Model (11163)
[ abstract ] [ paper ] [handouts] [video]


  • Efi Dimopoulou
  • Chrit Lemmen
  • David Martion
  • Peter van Oosterom

-- PeterVanOosterom - 12 Feb 2021
Topic revision: r5 - 20 Oct 2021 - 15:43:52 - PeterVanOosterom

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