You are here: TU Delft Wiki > Research/ISO19152 Web > LADM2017Workshop > DraftProgramme (03 Mar 2017, PeterVanOosterom )

The 6th Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) Workshop

All introductions are flash-style to prepare for discussion: max 3 slides, 5 minutes, followed by 5 minutes discussion.
Session moderator decides on possible grouping of introductions/discussions.

Draft Programme 16 March 2017

Prepare the revision of ISO 19152 (LADM)

The main purpose of the workshop day 1 is to bring together the experts in the field in order to prepare the revision of ISO 19152.

08.30 – 09:00 Arrivals and Registration

09.00 – 10:30 Opening Session
Moderator: Peter van Oosterom, TU Delft
  • Welcome Remarks
    • Frits van de Wal, Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Netherlands
    • Chryssy Potsiou, International Federation of Surveyors (FIG)
  • Short Introduction of Workshop Participants
  • Land rights for all -Results of the UN GGIM, EG LAM, 14-15 March 2017
    • Kees de Zeeuw, Kadaster
  • White paper and Concept note /background paper
    • Christiaan Lemmen, Kadaster
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 – 12:30 Experiences with LADM (STDM), version 1
Moderator: Kees de Zeeuw, Kadaster
  • GLTN inputs for the LADM: The Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM)
    • Cyprian Selebalo, UN-Habitat GLTN,
    • Paul Saers, Kadaster
  • FIG YSN - Ambassadors for STDM
    • Eva-Maria Unger, Chair FIG YSN
  • Industry/open source implementations
    • Christian Timm, Hansa Luftbild AG
    • John Gitau, UN-Habitat GLTN
    • Brent Jones, Esri
  • Country profiles, (planned) realization, national models LADM compliant
    • Markku Markkula, Finland
    • Paul Egesborg, Canada
    • Mahashe Chaka, Lesotho
    • Nikola Vučić, Croatia
    • Jarosław Bydłosz, Poland
    • Karel Janecka, Czech Republic
    • Amalia Velasco Martín-Varés, Spain
    • ? (Interlis) Switzerland/Colombia
  • Needed corrections/improvements to LADM IS 19152:2012
    • Olaf Magnus Østensen, ISO TC211
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch

13:30 – 15:00 Possible Extensions Conceptual Model of LADM
Moderator: Denise McKenzie , OGC
  • Further modelling of LADM RRRs, classes
    • Hendrik Ploeger, TU Delft
  • Explicit semantics of code list values in LADM
    • Jesper Paasch, Uni Gävle
  • A fiscal/valuation extension module
    • Ruud Kathmann, Waarderingskamer
  • LADM in support to Marine Limits and Boundaries, IHO S121
    • Thijs Ligteringen, Netherlands Hydrographic Office
  • More explicit relations with Building Information Modelling, BIM/IFC
    • Mohsen Kalantari, Uni Melbourne
  • Strata titles
    • Eftychia Kalogianni, Greece
  • Further modelling of LADM's survey and spatial representation
    • Eric Hagemans, Kadaster
  • Underground RRRs
    • Sangmin Kim, Korea
  • 3D/4D Cadastre
    • Peter van Oosterom, TU Delft
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break

15:30 – 16:30 LADM, possible standardization beyond conceptual model?
Moderator: Denise McKenzie , OGC
  • Linking New Survey Data Acquisition Methods and Maintenance
    • Christian Timm, Hansa Luftbild AG
  • Standardized workflow for processing survey data
    • Pieter Soffers, Kadaster
  • Optimized process modelling
    • Christiaan Lemmen, Kadaster
  • Workflow modelling using BIM/Information Delivery Manual
    • Jennifer Oldfield, MSc GIMA
  • Blockchain and ledger technologies (ISO/TC 302) for effective land administration
    • Manohar Velpuri, FIG Comm.9
16:30 – 17:00 Wrap up

17:00 – 18:00 Buffer time

19:00 Dinner

Draft Programme, 17 March 2017

Operational Standards in Land Administration

The main purpose of the workshop day 2 is to bring together the experts in the field in order to arrive at operational standards (based on ISO 19152 where appropriate).

09:00 – 10:30 Technical models LA (database schema, exchange formats,…)
Moderator: Denise McKenzie , OGC
  • Introduction of the OGC and the OGC Land Administration Domain Working Group,
    • Denise McKenzie , OGC
  • CityGML
    • Thomas Kolbe, TU Munich
  • IndoorGML
    • Sisi Zlatanova, TU Delft
  • LandInfra ( InfraGML )
    • Tarja Myllymäki, National Land Survey of Finland
  • LandXML
    • Mohsen Kalantari,Uni Melbourne
  • (Geo)BIM
    • Jennifer Oldfield, MSc GIMA
    • Eftychia Kalogianni, Greece
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee

11:00 – 12:30 Best practises land administration implementation
Moderator: Denise McKenzie , OGC
  • From UN GGIM to LADM (ISO) to OGC,
    • Kees de Zeeuw, Kadaster
  • Information Infrastructure approach
    • Olaf Magnus Østensen, European Location Framework, Norway
    • Ellen Vos, Marine SDI (incl. Marine Spatial Planning), Netherlands Hydrographic Office
  • Remote Sensing for parcel boundaries
    • Mila Koeva, ITC
  • STDM fit for current issues
    • Eva-Maria Unger, ITC
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch

13:30 – 14:30 Panel discussion
Moderator: Kees de Zeeuw, Kadaster
  • Coordination between ISO, OGC, FIG, IHO, ISPRS, UN GGIM, WB, UN Habitat GLTN and FAO
    • Christina Wasström, ISO
    • Denise McKenzie , OGC
    • Chryssy Potsiou, FIG
    • Paul Egesborg, IHO
    • Mila Koeva, ISPRS
    • Mahashe Chaka, UN-GGIM
    • John Gitau, UN-Habitat GLTN
14:30 – 15:00 Coffee

15:00 – 16:00 Closing session
Moderator: Kees de Zeeuw, Kadaster
  • White paper Operational Domain Standards for Land Administration
    • Christiaan Lemmen, Kadaster
  • Summary of Preliminary Workshop Decisions/Proposals
    • Peter van Oosterom, TU Delft
  • Summary OGC
    • Denise McKenzie , OGC
  • Wrap-Up and Next Steps
16:00 Farewell

Topic revision: r8 - 03 Mar 2017 - 07:53:24 - PeterVanOosterom

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