You are here: TU Delft Wiki > Research/ISO19152 Web > WebStatistics (26 Sep 2013, TWikiAdminGroup )

Statistics for Research/ISO19152 Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Sep 2013 1782 50 32 525 LADM2013Workshop
304 WebHome
240 FinalProgramme
219 DraftPragramme
113 WorkshopLADMPresentations
 74 TrainingSTDM
 57 RegistrationOrganization
 46 VenueUTM
 44 SubmissionProcedure
 32 WorkshopTopics
 25 LadmPublications
 82 PeterVanOosterom
Aug 2013 2478 123 67 606 DraftPragramme
557 LADM2013Workshop
513 WebHome
151 WorkshopLADMPresentations
142 TrainingSTDM
125 SubmissionProcedure
 98 ImplementationMaterial
 66 RegistrationOrganization
 35 WorkshopTopics
 27 LadmPublications
 21 IsoDocuments
190 PeterVanOosterom
Jul 2013 1202 34 5 394 WebHome
295 LADM2013Workshop
133 WorkshopLADMPresentations
 66 SubmissionProcedure
 55 DraftPragramme
 39 TrainingSTDM
 32 IsoDocuments
 26 RegistrationOrganization
 25 UmlModels
 21 WorkshopTopics
 20 CountryProfiles
 39 PeterVanOosterom
Jun 2013 1096 0 0 354 WebHome
241 LADM2013Workshop
131 WorkshopLADMPresentations
 93 UmlModels
 74 SubmissionProcedure
 34 RegistrationOrganization
 27 CallForContributions
 24 LadmPublications
 23 WorkshopTopics
 20 IsoDocuments
 19 WebStatistics
May 2013 1196 5 2 363 WebHome
261 LADM2013Workshop
158 WorkshopLADMPresentations
116 IsoDocuments
 73 SubmissionProcedure
 31 RegistrationOrganization
 31 CallForContributions
 30 WorkshopTopics
 25 UmlModels
 22 CountryProfiles
 18 ImplementationMaterial
  7 PeterVanOosterom
Apr 2013 856 3 1 290 WebHome
131 WorkshopLADMPresentations
130 LADM2013Workshop
104 IsoDocuments
 27 LadmPublications
 24 SubmissionProcedure
 22 RegistrationOrganization
 21 CallForContributions
 20 WorkshopTopics
 17 UmlModels
 14 WebChanges
  4 PeterVanOosterom
Mar 2013 894 16 2 316 WebHome
154 WorkshopLADMPresentations
104 IsoDocuments
 85 LADM2013Workshop
 45 LadmPublications
 25 UmlModels
 22 CountryProfiles
 21 SubmissionProcedure
 17 WorkshopTopics
 17 WebChanges
 17 StandardMaintenance
 18 PeterVanOosterom
Feb 2013 725 70 15 220 WebHome
154 WorkshopLADMPresentations
106 LADM2013Workshop
 45 RegistrationOrganization
 45 SubmissionProcedure
 34 IsoDocuments
 29 CallForContributions
 22 LadmPublications
 17 WorkshopTopics
 14 UmlModels
 13 VenueUTM
 85 PeterVanOosterom
Jan 2013 511 25 7 211 WorkshopLADMPresentations
122 WebHome
 42 IsoDocuments
 36 LADM2013Workshop
 33 LadmPublications
 26 UmlModels
 19 ImplementationMaterial
 18 CountryProfiles
  1 WebTopicList
 32 PeterVanOosterom
Dec 2012 300 0 0 133 WorkshopLADMPresentations
 68 WebHome
 48 IsoDocuments
 20 UmlModels
 12 LadmPublications
  8 CountryProfiles
  7 ImplementationMaterial
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebChanges
Nov 2012 611 16 6 169 WorkshopLADMPresentations
169 WebHome
134 IsoDocuments
 40 LadmPublications
 27 UmlModels
 18 WebStatistics
 15 ImplementationMaterial
 11 WebSearch
 11 CountryProfiles
  6 WebCreateNewTopic
  4 WebTopicList
 22 PeterVanOosterom
Oct 2012 624 0 0 176 WorkshopLADMPresentations
175 IsoDocuments
101 WebHome
 27 UmlModels
 25 LadmPublications
 20 WebCreateNewTopic
 17 ImplementationMaterial
 16 CountryProfiles
 12 WebSearch
 10 WebStatistics
  8 WebTopicList
Sep 2012 693 6 2 224 IsoDocuments
176 WorkshopLADMPresentations
112 WebHome
 56 LadmPublications
 27 UmlModels
 20 ImplementationMaterial
 15 WebCreateNewTopic
 13 CountryProfiles
 10 WebStatistics
  8 WebPreferences
  6 WebSearch
  8 PeterVanOosterom
Aug 2012 496 2 1 248 WorkshopLADMPresentations
 45 WebHome
 42 WebCreateNewTopic
 28 WebLeftBar
 27 IsoDocuments
 19 LadmPublications
 15 WebStatistics
 15 UmlModels
 11 ImplementationMaterial
 10 WebSearch
  8 CountryProfiles
  3 PeterVanOosterom
Jul 2012 270 27 13  90 WebHome
 65 WorkshopLADMPresentations
 34 LadmPublications
 18 IsoDocuments
 14 UmlModels
 11 ImplementationMaterial
  8 WebLeftBar
  8 CountryProfiles
  6 WebCreateNewTopic
  5 WebSearch
  2 WebTopicList
 40 PeterVanOosterom
Jun 2012 215 8 4  85 WebHome
 34 IsoDocuments
 29 LadmPublications
 12 WebCreateNewTopic
 10 UmlModels
  9 ImplementationMaterial
  8 CountryProfiles
  5 WebStatistics
  3 WebIndex
  3 WebSearch
  3 WebPreferences
 12 PeterVanOosterom
May 2012 224 6 4  52 WebCreateNewTopic
 39 WebHome
 20 IsoDocuments
 19 WebChanges
 15 LadmPublications
 13 UmlModels
 10 WebPreferences
  8 WebSearchAdvanced
  8 WebTopicList
  8 WebSearch
  7 WebLeftBar
 10 PeterVanOosterom
Apr 2012 198 4 1  63 WebHome
 22 IsoDocuments
 14 WebCreateNewTopic
 11 LadmPublications
 10 WebChanges
 10 UmlModels
  9 WebTopicList
  9 WebStatistics
  7 WebSearchAdvanced
  7 WebIndex
  7 CountryProfiles
  5 PeterVanOosterom
Mar 2012 79 0 0  25 WebHome
 12 IsoDocuments
  8 UmlModels
  5 WebCreateNewTopic
  5 CountryProfiles
  4 LadmPublications
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 WebSearch
  3 WebPreferences
  3 WebLeftBar
  3 WebChanges
Feb 2012 99 1 0  22 WebCreateNewTopic
 20 WebHome
  9 UmlModels
  7 ImplementationMaterial
  7 IsoDocuments
  5 WebSearch
  5 WebStatistics
  5 LadmPublications
  4 CountryProfiles
  3 WebPreferences
  2 WebTopicList
  1 PeterVanOosterom
Jan 2012 47 1 1  11 WebHome
  7 LadmPublications
  5 ImplementationMaterial
  5 WebChanges
  4 WebTopicList
  4 IsoDocuments
  3 UmlModels
  2 WebStatistics
  2 WebPreferences
  2 CountryProfiles
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 PeterVanOosterom
Dec 2011 69 0 0  21 WebHome
  9 IsoDocuments
  6 WebNotify
  5 WebSearch
  5 LadmPublications
  5 CountryProfiles
  4 WebCreateNewTopic
  4 WebChanges
  3 UmlModels
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 ImplementationMaterial
Nov 2011 122 15 6  31 WebCreateNewTopic
 25 WebHome
 19 LadmPublications
 17 IsoDocuments
 15 UmlModels
  3 WebIndex
  3 WebSearch
  2 ImplementationMaterial
  2 WebPreferences
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 WebStatistics
 21 PeterVanOosterom
Oct 2011 428 0 0 114 WebCreateNewTopic
 53 WebHome
 30 WebPreferences
 25 UmlModels
 24 IsoDocuments
 22 WebSearch
 19 LadmPublications
 19 WebStatistics
 18 ImplementationMaterial
 18 WebNotify
 17 WebChanges
Sep 2011 536 0 0  70 WebHome
 57 WebCreateNewTopic
 46 IsoDocuments
 43 UmlModels
 38 WebPreferences
 38 LadmPublications
 37 WebStatistics
 34 WebSearch
 34 WebChanges
 33 WebNotify
 32 CountryProfiles
Aug 2011 216 0 0  32 WebCreateNewTopic
 30 WebHome
 20 WebStatistics
 15 IsoDocuments
 14 UmlModels
 13 ImplementationMaterial
 13 WebNotify
 13 WebPreferences
 13 WebChanges
 12 WebTopicList
 11 CountryProfiles
Jul 2011 109 2 1  22 WebStatistics
 17 WebHome
 14 WebCreateNewTopic
 11 IsoDocuments
  9 WebChanges
  6 CountryProfiles
  5 WebSearch
  5 WebPreferences
  4 WebTopicList
  4 WebNotify
  3 WebIndex
  3 PeterVanOosterom
Jun 2011 146 2 1  26 WebHome
 24 WebCreateNewTopic
 18 IsoDocuments
 11 WebStatistics
  9 WebPreferences
  8 LadmPublications
  8 UmlModels
  7 CountryProfiles
  6 WebTopicList
  6 ImplementationMaterial
  6 WebSearch
  3 PeterVanOosterom
May 2011 153 0 0  30 WebHome
 27 WebCreateNewTopic
 14 WebStatistics
 11 IsoDocuments
 11 UmlModels
 11 WebChanges
  9 ImplementationMaterial
  8 CountryProfiles
  7 WebSearch
  7 LadmPublications
  5 WebPreferences
Apr 2011 268 36 1  75 WebHome
 41 LadmPublications
 29 WebCreateNewTopic
 22 IsoDocuments
 17 WebStatistics
 15 ImplementationMaterial
 12 UmlModels
 11 CountryProfiles
  9 WebTopicList
  8 WebPreferences
  7 WebChanges
 37 PeterVanOosterom
Mar 2011 248 7 2  68 WebCreateNewTopic
 24 WebHome
 21 WebStatistics
 20 UmlModels
 18 WebTopicList
 17 IsoDocuments
 15 WebChanges
 14 ImplementationMaterial
 13 WebSearchAdvanced
  8 WebIndex
  7 WebPreferences
  9 PeterVanOosterom
Feb 2011 127 7 0  22 WebHome
 17 WebCreateNewTopic
 16 IsoDocuments
 12 WebNotify
 11 WebSearch
  9 WebStatistics
  6 ImplementationMaterial
  6 WebPreferences
  6 CountryProfiles
  6 LadmPublications
  5 UmlModels
  7 PeterVanOosterom
Jan 2011 42 0 0  15 WebHome
  4 WebLeftBar
  3 WebCreateNewTopic
  3 WebPreferences
  2 WebIndex
  2 ImplementationMaterial
  2 LadmPublications
  2 WebNotify
  2 UmlModels
  2 WebChanges
  1 WebTopicList
Dec 2010 36 0 0   5 WebLeftBar
  4 WebSearchAdvanced
  4 WebCreateNewTopic
  3 WebHome
  3 IsoDocuments
  3 ImplementationMaterial
  2 LadmPublications
  2 WebNotify
  2 WebSearch
  2 WebPreferences
  2 UmlModels
Nov 2010 74 0 0  11 WebPreferences
  8 WebHome
  7 WebCreateNewTopic
  6 WebChanges
  5 WebIndex
  5 WebLeftBar
  4 WebNotify
  4 LadmPublications
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 WebTopicList
  3 ImplementationMaterial
Oct 2010 126 0 0  20 WebCreateNewTopic
 16 WebPreferences
 15 WebHome
 12 WebChanges
 10 WebLeftBar
  9 WebIndex
  9 WebSearch
  8 WebNotify
  5 WebTopicList
  4 WebSearchAdvanced
  4 LadmPublications
Sep 2010 113 0 0  38 WebCreateNewTopic
 11 WebPreferences
 10 WebHome
  6 WebSearchAdvanced
  6 WebIndex
  6 WebSearch
  6 WebNotify
  5 WebTopicList
  5 WebChanges
  5 WebStatistics
  3 CountryProfiles
Aug 2010 48 4 0  21 WebHome
  5 WebCreateNewTopic
  4 IsoDocuments
  3 WebChanges
  2 WebNotify
  2 WebStatistics
  2 UmlModels
  2 CountryProfiles
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 WebIndex
  1 ImplementationMaterial
  4 PeterVanOosterom
Jul 2010 43 0 0   4 WebTopicList
  4 WebHome
  4 WebPreferences
  3 ImplementationMaterial
  3 WebSearch
  3 WebChanges
  3 IsoDocuments
  3 WebStatistics
  3 LadmPublications
  3 UmlModels
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
Jun 2010 45 0 0   6 WebHome
  3 WebCreateNewTopic
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 ImplementationMaterial
  3 WebSearch
  3 CountryProfiles
  3 IsoDocuments
  3 LadmPublications
  3 WebStatistics
  3 UmlModels
  2 WebTopicList
May 2010 22 0 0   6 WebHome
  2 LadmPublications
  2 WebNotify
  2 WebSearch
  2 WebChanges
  1 WebCreateNewTopic
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 WebIndex
  1 WebStatistics
  1 WebPreferences
Apr 2010 44 0 0   6 WebCreateNewTopic
  6 WebHome
  5 WebSearch
  5 WebPreferences
  3 IsoDocuments
  3 WebNotify
  3 CountryProfiles
  2 ImplementationMaterial
  2 LadmPublications
  2 UmlModels
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
Mar 2010 105 22 0  39 WebHome
 12 IsoDocuments
 10 WebCreateNewTopic
  9 UmlModels
  8 ImplementationMaterial
  7 CountryProfiles
  6 LadmPublications
  6 WebPreferences
  3 WebChanges
  2 WebTopicList
  1 WebSearch
 21 PeterVanOosterom
  1 WilkoQuak
Feb 2010 64 3 0  27 WebCreateNewTopic
 11 WebPreferences
  9 WebHome
  3 WebNotify
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebIndex
  2 WebStatistics
  2 WebSearch
  2 WebLeftBar
  2 WebChanges
  2 MartijnBeekhuyzen
  1 ArendPool
Jan 2010 0 0 0    
Dec 2009 0 0 0    
Nov 2009 0 0 0    
Sep 2009 0 0 0    
Jun 2009 0 0 0    
May 2009 0 0 0    
Feb 2009 0 0 0    
Jan 2009 0 0 0    

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  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.
Topic revision: r1322 - 26 Sep 2013 - 03:02:19 - TWikiAdminGroup

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