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SOCIAL TENURE DOMAIN MODEL - An introduction to a pro-poor land information system, 23 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



This 1 day Social Tenure Domain Model - Introduction to a pro-poor land information system event will endow ‘Young Ambassadors’ with the skills to run STDM introductions. With the knowledge gained through the event they are going to be able to assist further research and UN-Habitat/FIG in future work rolling-out STDM.

The Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) is a concept and tool developed by UN-Habitat Global Land Tool Network (GLTN). STDM is building on the general concept of the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) which makes this event, just one day prior the LADM 2013 Workshop, even more beneficial. STDM is a model and a way of thinking realized through a tool using open source GIS tools. The purpose of implementing this tool is to alleviate poverty and serving the needs of the poor related to land issues and land security.

In future there may be requirement by UN-Habitat GLTN for experts/trainers with technical and field background in surveying, mapping, spatial and GIS, to support the technical and technological aspect of STDM pilots and upcoming projects. Therefore this Social Tenure Domain Model - Introduction to a pro-poor land information system event is addressing Young Surveyors/Professionals who wants to understand this tool and concept and become champions in the STDM application.

STDM_Introduction_KL.pdf : Download the STDM training flyer

About STDM

The STDM is an initiative of UN-HABITAT to support pro-poor land administration. STDM is meant specifically for developing countries, countries with very little cadastral coverage in urban areas with slums, or in rural customary areas. It can also be applied in, but not limited to, post conflict/disaster, property management vis-à-vis taxation and natural resource management scenarios. The focus of STDM is on all relationships between people and land, independently from the level of formalization, or legality of them. STDM is a specialization of the ISO-standard Land Administration Domain Model (LADM).

Short Training Content

  • Land challenges
  • Introduction to Global Land Tool Network
  • Linkage between Cadastral Model, LADM and STDM
  • STDM current development and overview
  • STDM system walkthrough

Important Dates

  • End of Application: 3rd September 2013
  • Announcement of Participants: 6th September 2013
  • Workshop Date: 23rd September 2013

Training is joint activity of

  • International Federation of Surveyors (FIG),
  • UN-Habitat Global Land Tool Network,
  • Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM),
  • Jupem, Association of Authorised Land Surveyors of Malaysia,
  • Kadaster,
  • ITC (University of Twente),
  • TU Delft and
  • FIG Young Surveyors Network


For an application please fill in this form:

There are no funds available to participate to the training. The training itself is free but participants have to cover their own expenses (e.g. Travels to and from, accomondation...).


Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
STDM_Introduction_KL.pdf pdf STDM_Introduction_KL.pdf manage 5353.0 K 02 Aug 2013 - 00:57 PeterVanOosterom STDM training flyer
logo_fig_young.PNG PNG logo_fig_young.PNG manage 21.6 K 18 Jul 2013 - 08:08 PeterVanOosterom fig
logo_fig_young2.PNG PNG logo_fig_young2.PNG manage 18.6 K 18 Jul 2013 - 08:15 PeterVanOosterom  
logo_gltn.PNG PNG logo_gltn.PNG manage 40.2 K 18 Jul 2013 - 08:08 PeterVanOosterom gltn
Topic revision: r4 - 02 Aug 2013 - 08:10:15 - PeterVanOosterom

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