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3D Spatial Planning and 3D Cadastre

31 October 2016, Delft, The Netherlands

Seminar at Geodesign Summit Europe ( )

13.30 Welcome/Introduction by Peter van Oosterom (TUD) slides

13.40 Introduction of participants (brief)

14:20 Setting the scene:

  • 3D Spatial planning tool by Patrick Janssen (NUS/TUD) slides
  • 3D Cadastre by Peter van Oosterom (TUD) slides

15:00 Tea/coffee break

15:30 Setting the case:

  • Underground 3D Planning/Cadastre in Korea by Sangmin Kim (TUD) slides
  • 3D Planning/Cadastre in Indonesia by Agung Indrajit (TUD) slides
  • 3D Planning/Cadastre, Spoorzone Delft by Els van der Riet (Jurist, Spoorzone Delft) slides

16:10 Discussion: what to be applied in your country/city

17:00 Drinks: Ice breaker event in the Berlage Rooms

-- PeterVanOosterom - 31 Oct 2016

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
1._patrick_janssen_geodesign2017.pdf pdf 1._patrick_janssen_geodesign2017.pdf manage 4358.5 K 31 Oct 2016 - 22:16 PeterVanOosterom  
4.20161031_3DUCS_SangminKim.pdf pdf 4.20161031_3DUCS_SangminKim.pdf manage 7154.8 K 31 Oct 2016 - 22:18 PeterVanOosterom  
6._Geodesign_Summit_EU_2016_sem_7_DEF_31-10-2016.pdf pdf 6._Geodesign_Summit_EU_2016_sem_7_DEF_31-10-2016.pdf manage 2670.6 K 31 Oct 2016 - 22:17 PeterVanOosterom  
GeoDesign2016_3D_Cadastres.pdf pdf GeoDesign2016_3D_Cadastres.pdf manage 4387.1 K 31 Oct 2016 - 09:00 PeterVanOosterom  
GeoDesign2016_3D_Opening.pdf pdf GeoDesign2016_3D_Opening.pdf manage 589.0 K 31 Oct 2016 - 09:01 PeterVanOosterom  
GeoDesignAgung_Indrajit_GEO_20161030_TUDelft.pdf pdf GeoDesignAgung_Indrajit_GEO_20161030_TUDelft.pdf manage 3502.9 K 31 Oct 2016 - 09:01 PeterVanOosterom  
Topic revision: r2 - 31 Oct 2016 - 22:21:54 - PeterVanOosterom

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