Location: TU Delft Sports & Culture, Theater Room, Mekelweg 8-10, Delft, the Netherlands (Building 38, orange building on left hand side when entering the terrain of Sports & Culture).
For the LADM workshop there are no registration fees, thanks to FIG sponsoring the event. The capacity is limited and the maximum number of participants is 35. Therefore registration is obligatory and can be done by sending email to 'M.E.H.L.Boen@tudelft.nl' (and CC 'e.m.fendel@tudelft.nl' and subject 'LADM 2017 registration') before 20 February 2017 (so, now closed). In your email include the following information:
Acceptance for the participation is depending on capacity and will be confirmed no later than 21 February.
Delft info on: https://www.delft.nl/delften/