You are here: TU Delft Wiki > Research/ISO19152 Web > LADM2013Workshop > SubmissionProcedure (03 Jul 2013, PeterVanOosterom )

Submission Procedure


All submissions (extended abstracts of 500-1000 words) will be peer reviewed and all accepted contributions are expected to submit a full paper, which will be included in both the on-line and printed proceedings (available at the workshop), published by the FIG with ISBN/ISSN reference. Based on the full papers and the presentations at the workshop, a limited number of authors will be invited to submit a significantly different/ extended paper to a special LADM issue within the international scientific journal ‘Land Use Policy’ (LUP).

Paper submission

All papers must be submitted via the EasyChair online system. Information on the paper submission and formatting are available in the workshop website.

Important dates

Extended abstract submission 31 May 2013
Acceptance notification 30 June 2013
Camera-ready full paper 15 August 2013 (at least one author must be registered)
Workshop 24 – 25 September 2013

LADM2013_template.doc : template for full paper (not yet needed for for abstract, which is web form based)

LADM2013_instructions.pdf : Instructions for formatting full paper LADM 2013
Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
LADM2013_instructions.pdf pdf LADM2013_instructions.pdf manage 15.4 K 30 Jun 2013 - 18:45 PeterVanOosterom Instructions for formatting full paper LADM 2013
LADM2013_template.doc doc LADM2013_template.doc manage 27.5 K 12 Feb 2013 - 15:40 PeterVanOosterom template for full paper (not yet needed for for abstarct, which is web form based)
Topic revision: r6 - 03 Jul 2013 - 11:55:59 - PeterVanOosterom

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